Why Should I Choose An Escort From VIP Escorting?

We pride ourselves on providing the highest standard service that can’t be beat by any other agency. We have maintained a reputation for over twelve years, as one of the leading agencies for providing the best escorts in the North East thanks to our attention to detail to provide you with a quality bespoke service that always leaves you satisfied beyond your wildest dreams. We strive to deliver the highest quality service and the best escorts in the North East, we offer the perfect lady for everyone.

What Exactly Am I Paying For?

We are an introductory service between you and your escort, all fees are paid solely for the time spent, the companionship, and any travel costs, or if your require extras such as a special dress code etc. Anything that happens between you and your escort is purely down to your shared discretion. We have no input on what happens between client and escort, its an agreement between two consenting adults and is outside the jurisdiction of the agency.

Do You Cater For Clients With Disabilities?

Of course we do!

Can I Tip My Escort?

Of course, for some of our escorts, this may be their only source of income, they will be more than appreciative of a tip.

What Services Do Your Escorts Offer?

We act as an introductory service, and therefore can not guarantee any services. The services provided by our escorts are strictly up to the discretion between client and escort. However, our escorts are completely open minded, and are more than open to helping you enjoy a completely bespoke service that will leave you truly satisfied.

Can I Request My Escort Dress A Certain Way?

As long as you are considerate with your decision, and understand that it may take a little time to prepare the outfit you have requested, our escorts are usually more than happy to accommodate your choice of wear.

What Information Is Required From Me?

Your first name - Contact number - Full address and postcode of meeting place - if you are requesting a hotel visit, we require the room number. We hold your confidentiality as an utmost priority, your information will never be passed to a third party or to anyone else for that matter. Please note! We do not answer the phone to withheld phone numbers.

Do All Escorts Offer Incall Appointments?

Not all of our escorts are able to provide incall appointments.

Are The Photos On The Website Genuine?

All the photos on our website are 100% genuine, we don’t use photoshop or air brushing when it comes to escort photoshoots, we try to be as genuine as possible so you know what you are getting.

What Can I Expect From My Booking?

Once your escort arrives, you will be expected to pay in full within the first five minutes, once the payment has been exchanged, you and your escort can get acquainted and comfortable with each other quickly. Your escort will contact us to let us know they have arrived safely, and that the booking is underway, this is to help us to monitor the reliability of our service, to help us improve in the future. The rest of the appointment is your time to play, your escort will do her utmost to ensure that your time together is well spent and unforgettable.

Which Payment Methods Do You Accept?

Cash is the only acceptable payment method that we offer, this is to make your service as discreet as possible. You must pay our escorts within the first five minutes of their arrival. Note! Our escorts will count the money infant of you, please don’t be offended by this.

Can I Cancel My Booking?

We understand that circumstances change from time to time, making your appointment impossible to keep, we ask that you give as much notice as possible so that we can give your slot to someone else.

How Long Is An Overnight Booking?

We offer a twelve hour overnight appointment, which will vary in pricing dependent on the circumstances, please drop us a call on 07908242799 to enquire about overnight bookings. For our regular clients, we occasionally offer discount for overnight appointments.